Ausgeträumt Amerika? On the move in a divided country
Amerikazentrum Hamburg
Pop Art by Burkhard Lohren

The USA correspondent and deputy head of the ARD studio in Washington DC, Dr. Jan Philipp Burgard read from his book “Ausgeträumt, Amerika? Unterwegs in einem gespaltenen Land. " ("Is the American Dream over? On the move in a divided country.")
For over a year, Jan Philipp Burgard traveled throughout the US interviewing diverse Americans. How do they live in a country that is more divided than ever between rich and poor, urban and rural populations, African Americans, Latin Americans, and white citizens? "Is the American Dream over or is it still alive somewhere"?
Jan Philipp Burgard presented a multifaceted picture of the situation in the US. The many exciting questions and comments from the audience showed how the strong interest in political and social developments in America continues.