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Artists: Students from the Albert Schweitzer School 

Schüler:innen gestalten inspirierendes Wandbild an Hamburger S-Bahn-Station
Schüler*innen haben ein inspirierendes Wandbild im Zugangsbereich des S-Bahnhofs Kornweg geschaffen.
Schulprojekt im öffentlichen Raum Hamburg

Students create inspiring mural at rapid transit station

On the initiative of Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (hvv) and Deutsche Bahn (Deutsche Bahn Station & Service), students from the Albert-Schweitzer-School in the Klein Borstel neighborhood of Hamburg created a beautiful and inspiring mural in the access area of the Kornweg S-Bahn station.

The 25 x 3 meter wallpainting reflects the students' visions for a better, more peaceful and inclusive world. They wish for an open, multicultural society that is based on mutual respect for people and nature and that stands for diversity and solidarity. The work inspires people to initiate the change they want to see in the world.

The young people were guided and artistically supported by the urban artist TASEK, who had previously developed the design with the students in class. A big thank you to all involved, especially to the students and the teacher of the Albert Schweitzer School! It was a lot of fun.  

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